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The UK government has failed to act on extreme poverty

The UN’s special rapporteur on extreme poverty has said that the UK is “in violation of international law” over poverty levels. This is shocking, but not surprising, argue Lucinda Hiam and Danny Dorling.

Destitution, unlike success in football, is coming home

“The government is not helpless to act; it is choosing not to” Paul Kissack, Chief Executive of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, 24 October 2023

Brexit – a failed project in a failing state

‘Fifty years on from now, Britain will still be the country of long shadows on county [cricket] grounds, warm beer, invincible green suburbs, dog lovers, and—as George Orwell said—old maids bicycling to Holy Communion through the morning mist.’

British society is heading for levelling down

In his new book “Shattered Nation: Inequality and the Geography of a Failing State”, Danny Dorling paints a bleak picture of life for many UK citizens today.

The souls of the people of Oxford

Something was done differently on the lands of the University of Oxford during the exceedingly long summer vacation of 2023.

Ed Balls and George Osborne’s new podcast is essential listening – but not for the reasons they think

In an apparent attempt to “talk across the political divide”, former chancellor George Osborne and former shadow chancellor Ed Balls have launched a podcast.

How Britain became a shattered nation

In this excerpt from his new book, academic Danny Dorling exposes a new geography of inequality and social fissures across the country.

When we were young: Inequality revisited, a commentary on Geoffrey DeVerteuil’s essay

Not very long ago, the world had a different shape. The cities were shaped differently too.