“Why is Britain shattered? How did it become so divided – and how can we fix it? Danny Dorling talks about his book, Shattered Nation: Inequality & the Geography of a Failing State. A film made by Voices Media in September 2023.
Danny Dorling’s “Shattered Nation: Inequality and the Geography of a Failing State” was published by Verso Books on the 19th of September 2023. This short film about it was made by Kirsten McClure.
What needs to be done to stop Britain becoming a failed state and is Scotland providing some answers? a lecture by Danny Dorling, chaired by Assa Samaké-Roman, organised by the David Hume Institute, Edinburgh, 23 August 2023.
Fear and education: Inequality and the mask of school segregation in England, a talk by Danny Dorling, 7 July 2023 Festival of Education, Wellington College, Home Counties, England.
An animation created by Kirsten McClure based on the book ‘The Equality Effect’ written by Danny Dorling. The animation is of a summary of the book, narrated by Danny in February 2023.
A short video produced by New Statesman Magazine: “UK housing market crash is “the end of the PONZI SCHEME” on economics in the UK in 2023, narrated by Will Dunn with comments by Danny Dorling, released on 3 February 2023.
An animation created by Kirsten McClure based on the book ‘Do We Need Economic Inequality? written by Danny Dorling. The animation is of a summary of the book narrated by Danny in December 2022.
An animation created by Kirsten McClure based on the book – Inequality and the 1% – written by Danny Dorling and with the animation narrated by him, using the latest statistics available in April 2022.
A 2021 animation by Kirsten McClure based on talks about the book “Rule Britannia” given by its authors Danny Dorling and Sally Tomlinson
An animation created by Kirsten McClure of who produced the graphics for the book ‘Slowdown’ by Danny Dorling. The animation is of a summary of the book narrated by Danny in April 2021.
Finntopia 2021 – video, music and animation by Kirtsen McClure based on the book “Finntopia: what can we learn from the world’s happiest country’ written by Danny Dorling and Annika Koljonen.
Danny Dorling and Andy Stirling talking with Sarah Nelson and Argyris Zardilis of the Cambridge University Science and Policy Exchange on “Science for Greater Equality from Policy” – by Zoom on November 17th 2020.
Why are more people dying of Covid-19 in poorer areas of the UK? Danny Dorling, BBC News, 1 May 2020. On the day that ONS revealed higher mortality rates form Covid-19 in poorer areas of the UK the question was: why?
Danny Dorling: The scales of narrative, Rhodes Humanities Forum 2019, Rhodes House, Oxford, November 16th, 2019.
The first form of duplication was storytelling. No one can know how long it took, after language developed, before the tradition began, but it is through the telling of stories that we still mostly learn and pass on information. You are reading a story now; one I have constructed only from hearing, seeing and reading other stories. The ‘Slowdown’ book my talk at the forum is based on is a small attempt to refashion one particular and in many ways rather familiar tale, namely the account of how fast the human world is changing. The story was the first form of data, transmitted inefficiently, always evolving, and spreading – duplicating and growing – when many people heard it being told and a few embellished it. Back then, and in many places until very recently, a story was lost unless at least one of those who heard it both remembered it and passed it on.
Danny Dorling: Slowdown – Whose freedom? What the future may bring given the spatial dimension of the distribution of property and resources, followed by a debate with Gabu Heindl (the Vienna-based architect and planner), Vienna Secession, 30th September 2019
Danny Dorling Keynote: Debating stalling life expectancy: What do the 2018 mid-year estimates tell us?, British Society for Population Studies (BSPS) One day meeting, University College London, July 5th 2019
Danny Dorling contributing to the “Evolving Economic Thought” lecture series, Oxford Martin School, on 30th May 2019, with a talk entitled: “Is the Human Species Slowing Down? Concerning recent demographic trends (and much more).
Renegade Inc’s host, Ross Ashcroft, is joined by Professor Danny Dorling to discuss if an imperial mindset is preventing us from becoming a progressive social democracy in a rapidly evolving, multipolar world. 28th January 2019
Sally Tomlinson with Adam Boulton on Sky News discussing “Rule Britannia: Brexit and the end of Empire”, January 18th 2019. To what extent is Brexit the last gasp of British Empire thinking? Why first the UK, not the rest of the EU27?
Danny Dorling appearing on Going Underground, on January 14th, being interviewed by Afshin Rattansi as parliament prepared for the first ‘meaningful’ vote it would have on Brexit on January 15th 2019.
“What Brexit tells us about the British” Professor Danny Dorling giving a talk to the Geography Society of the University of Oxford, October 19th 2018.
“Britain’s’ Ticking Time Bomb”, Afshin Rattansi Interviews Danny Dorling over whether Britain hit peak inequality in July 2018 and about the book ‘Peak Inequality’
“Inequality – the big picture”, Danny Dorling kicking off the summer lectures at the IF Project (a free university), St Margaret’s House, Bethnal Green, London, May 22nd 2018
“Could 2018 be the peak of the crisis in health in the UK?” – Life expectancy has stalled, infant mortality is rising, no other European country as badly effected.” Danny Dorling speaking at ‘Medicine Unboxed’ in Cheltenham on November 25th 2017.
Danny Dorling and Daren Smith discuss: “Brexit: The result of rising inequality, not rising immigration”. A lecture given at the university of Loughborough in December 2017, discussion uploaded February 6th 2018.
“Cathie Marsh Memorial Lecture 2017 – How unequal is the UK – and should we care?” (November 10th 2017) with Danny Dorling (Halford Mackinder Professor of Geography, University of Oxford) and David Willetts (Executive Chair, the Resolution Foundation). Discussant: Wanda Wyporska (Executive Director, The Equality Trust), Chair: Helen Barnard (Head of Analysis, Joseph Rowntree Foundation).
Danny Dorling giving a lecture at the LSE in May 2017: “The Equality Effect: improving life for everyone”. Hosted by the International Inequalities Institute and chaired by Neil Lee of the LSE.
Danny Dorling: Talking about Brexit on BBC Newsnight 29th September 2016
Most people who voted to leave the EU lived in the South of England. Most were social class A, B or C1. The middle classes may not have been the groups who were most likely to vote to leave, but because of both their absolute numbers and their high rate of turnout they were vital to determining the final result.
Danny Dorling giving the Annual John Hamilton Lifelong Learning Lecture, Centre for Lifelong Learning, University of Liverpool, October 14th 2016: “Leaving Reality: The UK and the rest of Europe”.
“Is inequality an unavoidable fact of life?” Danny Dorling, Bruno Rinvolucri and Leah Green in a feature for theguardian.com.
Danny and the business minister Matt Hancock debate economic growth on BBC Newsnight with Kirsty Wark, 15th January 2015.
Inequality and the 1%: Danny’s contribution to Hay Levels at the 2014 Hay Festival.
Zeinab Badawi speaks to Danny Dorling on BBC HARDtalk, first broadcast 15 Sep 2014.
Danny Dorling giving the King’s Chevening Distinguished Lecture, King’s College, London, November 23rd 2015.
Restoring Oxford as the UK’s Cycling Capital. Danny Dorling speaking at the Oxford Civic Society, Jesus College, Oxford, February 11th 2016.
N.A.S.A. – Money feat. David Byrne, Chuck D, Ras Congo, Seu Jorge & Z-Trip (Grant Phabao Remix) – Worldmapper Video Edition
This is a selection of Danny’s works. Go here to see and hear more:
- Video Archive: A full list of videos with Danny
- Danny on YouTube
- Many of Danny’s talks can be listened to in his Audioboom Channel.