The geography of elections: will the 40 years of voting polarisation continue in 2015?
Keynote Address at the Annual Geographical Association Lecture
Keynote Address at the Annual Geographical Association Lecture
They might think they are comfortably well-off. But middle-income Britons are poorer relative to the super-wealthy than their counterparts anywhere else in Europe
Tariq Ali in conversation with Danny Dorling
Danny speaking at the Free University of London, LSE Occupied
Using newly available data from the Department for Work and Pensions, Danny Dorling, professor of Geography at the University of Oxford and Simon Szreter, professor of History and Public Policy at the University of Cambridge, have mapped child poverty by constituency across the UK.
Video recording of a talk given at the networking event on the eve of the ESRC First Year Student Conference
Audio recording of The People’s Parliament, House of Commons, London
Danny speaking at a Green Party event
Hele Skjervold, Afternposten’s London correspondent, explains inequalities in London to her Norwegian readers.
The housing crisis is already out of control, and no one in politics wants to help
Talk at Innovations in policy, design, funding and delivery, Affordable Housing Conference
Several thousand people are expected to gather in London for a rally calling for more homes in the UK.
The largest falls in the proportions of households that are neither wealthy or poor has been in outer boroughs of London.
Faced with a £3bn repair bill, is the Palace of Westminster still the best place for MPs to meet?
Paperback launch event at City Hall London