
What we can learn from the world's happiest country?


Book extracts
- Book Cover (PDF document)
- Contents overview (PDF document)
- List of Figures and Tables (PDF document)
- Preface (PDF document)
- Introduction to main sections (PDF document)
- List of references (PDF document, also available online)

All figures and tables can be viewed in the Figures section of this website.


Page 181: On this page we report a judgment by the European Court of Justice on Finland made in 2019 whereby Finland was found guilty of violating articles 2 and 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights by deporting a man who was allegedly killed upon his arrival to Iraq. It has recently come to light that the man's daughter may have falsified the death certificate. There's an ongoing criminal investigation in Finland and the ECJ judgment has been appealed. In the printed version of the book we were reporting a story published by Reinborth published in 2019 which was accurate at the time of the book being sent to be printed.

Kell´onni on, se onnen kätkeköön.
He who has happiness,
should hide it. (Eino Leino)

Finland among the best in the world
Did you know, that... ...Finland is the safest country in the world. ...the air in Finland is the cleanest in the world. ...Finland is the most literate country in the world. ...Finland has the greatest number of heavy metal bands per inhabitant in the world. ...Finland is the world’s highest-ranked country for the protection of fundamental human rights. These and many other facts come from a fully referenced list of areas in which Finland is deemed to excel produced by Statistics Finland.
Click here to download an overview of these achievements as included in the appendix of Finntopia.