Finntopia Figures & Tables

Figure 1.3 (Part II): Sources: Geological timeline redrawn from an original in Nenonen, J. and Portaankorva, A. (2009) The geology of the lakeland Finland area, Helsinki: Geological Survey of Finland, Map redrawn from an original that was first published in Sarapää, O., Al Ani, T., Lahti, S., Lauri, L., Sarala, P., Torppa, A., and Kontinen, A. (2013) Rare earth exploration potential in Finland, The Journal of Geochemical Exploration 133, pp.25–41, October 2013.

Figure 1.3 (Part II): Sources: Geological timeline redrawn from an original in Nenonen, J. and Portaankorva, A. (2009) The geology of the lakeland Finland area, Helsinki: Geological Survey of Finland, Map redrawn from an original that was first published in Sarapää, O., Al Ani, T., Lahti, S., Lauri, L., Sarala, P., Torppa, A., and Kontinen, A. (2013) Rare earth exploration potential in Finland, The Journal of Geochemical Exploration 133, pp.25–41, October 2013.