Bankrupt Britain
An Atlas of Social Change


This is the companion website to Bankrupt Britain - An Atlas of Social Change. It gives you additional and updated material by the authors related to all topics of the book.

Bankrupt Britain is a unique atlas giving a comprehensive picture of the effect of the recession on Britain. In detailed colour maps, it shows how economic, social and environmental fortunes have been affected in different areas in the wake of the 2007 banking crisis, 2008 economic crash and 2009 credit crunch. It is essential reading for a broad audience with detailed local level data and a national snap-shot of Britain during this time.

Additional Resources

Material: Map Updates, Source Data, Appendix

Related Talks by Danny Dorling

Other external resources of the Sasi Research Group:

Sasi Podcast on Social and Spatial Inequalities

Other Sasi Publications

Further academic reading

Publisher’s website

Policy Press

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