Finntopia Figures & Tables

Figure 7.2: Note – the data used to construct this diagram are derived from answers given by the very large number of candidates standing in the most recent elections in Finland, not from the voters. Source: Linus Lång, Petter West, Malin Ekholm, Patrik Schauman, and Tulikukka de Fresnes (2019) See how the parties rank in the political quadrilateral, 11 April, KEY: SDP: Social Democrat; Kesk: Centre, PS: Finns, Sin: Blue reform (now nearer to ‘Movement Now’), KD: Christian Democrats, RKP: Swedish People’s Party, Kok: National Coalition Party, Vas: Left Alliance, Vihr: Green

Figure 7.2: Note – the data used to construct this diagram are derived from answers given by the very large number of candidates standing in the most recent elections in Finland, not from the voters.
Source: Linus Lång, Petter West, Malin Ekholm, Patrik Schauman, and Tulikukka de Fresnes (2019) See how the parties rank in the political quadrilateral, 11 April,
KEY: SDP: Social Democrat; Kesk: Centre, PS: Finns, Sin: Blue reform (now nearer to ‘Movement Now’), KD: Christian Democrats, RKP: Swedish People’s Party, Kok: National Coalition Party, Vas: Left Alliance, Vihr: Green